Note: This light will be shipped from our factory in China directly, it will take 10-15 business days to be delivered. It is convenient to deliver the product to you as soon as possible. Please leave your mobile phone number when placing an order.
Please note: If happening the quality problem, we will supply the product again. Refunds and returns are not accepted. Please consult customer service in detail before purchasing.
1. Heartbeat led neon lights: Heartbeat led neon lights light up your home, and use led signs to add romance to the wall decoration. Create a romantic atmosphere for your room, perfect for your little princesses and princes.
2. USB Power Supply: The Heartbeat LED light only needs to be inserted into the USB port, and there is a hole behind the neon light. You can hang it on the wall or put it on the table for convenient and simple operation.
3. Extremely safe: Led Heartbeat is made of flexible silicon LED light bar and acrylic back plate, which is strong and not fragile.
4. Simple operation and convenient installation: The neon light does not need to be installed with wires, which is suitable for decoration in any place. You can hang it on the wall, on the door, or on the table.